Fedora Project


Advance Free/Open Source Software/Content. Fedora is more than just one technology or concept it is a larger collaborative community.

The Fedora Project is a community of people working together to build a free and open source software platform and to collaborate on and share user-focused solutions built on that platform. Or, in plain English, we make an operating system and we make it easy for you do useful stuff with it.

A key component of this is our Community. This community, which you will join as an participant in Google Code In, is creating a platform that supports the work of a diverse audience. Your contributions can affect people you've never met in situations you've never dreamed of. The Fedora community includes software engineers, artists, system administrators, web designers, writers, speakers, and translators -- all of whom will be happy to help you get started.

Full project description available here: https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/project/

We believe that all contributors should expect and be part of a safe and friendly environment for constructive contribution. We can more effectively and successfully compare and challenge different ideas to find the best solutions for advancement, while building the size, diversity, and strength of our community.

Primary Open Source License: MIT license (MIT)

Programming Languages:

  • linux
  • python
  • git
  • ansible
  • postgresql


  • distribution
  • operating system