Add URL/BugReports to DESCRIPTION file
Each R package has a DESCRIPTION file which stores meta-data for that package. Two important but optional fields are URL (to github repo, documentation, or other development web page) and BugReports (issues page URL or other location where bugs should be posted). For this task you should find an R package which has already been published on CRAN, but does not have either URL or BugReports in its DESCRIPTION file. After that, find the corresponding github/gitlab/bitbucket/etc development repository (this is the hard part -- use a web search engine, or email the maintainer listed in the DESCRIPTION file). Fork and clone that repo, and add the URL/BugReports line(s) to the DESCRIPTION file. Commit those changes then submit a pull request, so it is easy for the developers to add this important information to their DESCRIPTION. Some example CRAN packages which are also on github but do not have BugReports/URL: PeakSegOptimal, PeakSegDP, PeakSegJoint, directlabels, WeightedROC.