R Project for Statistical Computing

(easy) Create an interactive data visualization using animint2

animint2 is an R package for creating animated and interactive data visualizations using a grammar of graphics. An online manual is available, and the best page to get started is http://members.cbio.mines-paristech.fr/~thocking/animint2-manual/Ch02-ggplot2.html

For this task your goal is to create an interactive data visualization and post it online using the animint2gist function which is described here, http://members.cbio.mines-paristech.fr/~thocking/animint2-manual/Ch05-sharing.html#animint2gist

Since this is a beginner task you can just copy the code for a data visualization from the online manual. You will need to install R and the animint2 package, then execute some code for creating an interactive data viz, then use the animint2gist function to post the data viz online on your gist profile. Make sure to include the bl.ocks link here, e.g. http://bl.ocks.org/tdhock/raw/8495cd5164a38c360ee1/ http://bl.ocks.org/tdhock/raw/aef616ba22fee33e82f5/ http://bl.ocks.org/tdhock/raw/cfc5d67636ee76d42be0/ http://bl.ocks.org/tdhock/raw/10f27e4ace80bffa10a0/

The harder version of this task is https://codein.withgoogle.com/dashboard/tasks/5702474908827648/

Task tags

  • data viz

Students who completed this task

Xuan Yee, CaoCaoSU

Task type

  • code Code

