R Project for Statistical Computing

Develop a vignette for package bdvis

Vignette in R and detailed documentation of how a package (or part of package) can be used. One needs good understanding of the package to develop a vignette for the package. The task here is to create a Vignette for package bdvis.

  1. Read Vignette chapter from Hadley Wickham's R Packages book [https://r-pkgs.org/vignettes.html]
  2. If you have not completed "Create samples of visualization outputs for functions in package bdvis" task, complete that first.
  3. Make sure you have latest development version of the package from github
  4. Develop a Vignette using an interesting data set to showcase all possible visualizations with bdvis package. Use of single data set throughout the vignette is encouraged to make it efficient.
  5. Submit the .rmd and .doc or .pdf for review.

Task tags

  • code
  • vignette

Students who completed this task

ZeroDawn.0D, Rishi0812

Task type

  • code Code
  • chrome_reader_mode Documentation / Training