R Project for Statistical Computing
Develop a vignette for package bdvis
Vignette in R and detailed documentation of how a package (or part of package) can be used. One needs good understanding of the package to develop a vignette for the package. The task here is to create a Vignette for package bdvis.
- Read Vignette chapter from Hadley Wickham's R Packages book [https://r-pkgs.org/vignettes.html]
- If you have not completed "Create samples of visualization outputs for functions in package bdvis" task, complete that first.
- Make sure you have latest development version of the package from github
- Develop a Vignette using an interesting data set to showcase all possible visualizations with bdvis package. Use of single data set throughout the vignette is encouraged to make it efficient.
- Submit the .rmd and .doc or .pdf for review.
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Students who completed this task
ZeroDawn.0D, Rishi0812