R Project for Statistical Computing

Reading and Writing CSV data

R is one of the most successful languages in the data science community primarily because of its user-friendly ecosystem. Reading and writing CSV files is one of the most common operations in Data Science and hence is in-built in R and does not need installation of new packages. This task will introduce you to some common functions and how easy, it is to deal with data frames in R.

  1. Read a CSV file from your local computer along with its headers and convert it into a data frame.
  2. Print the first few members of the data frame using an in-built function in R.
  3. Create a new data frame student in R with at least 5 observations and 3 variables, name, age and class.
  4. Add a new column height into the data frame and then add a new row into the data frame.
  5. Export the data frame into a CSV file students.csv.
  6. Read a CSV file from the internet directly into R without downloading the file manually and print the first few members.

You can find help on this at the following links: https://www.tutorialspoint.com/r/r_csv_files.htm https://www.cyclismo.org/tutorial/R/input.html#reading-a-csv-file

Attach screenshots of the task executing on your machine. Upload your code on Github including a README highlighting all your steps and submit a link to the repository.

Task tags

  • r

Students who completed this task

VE FORBRYDERNE, haiyu.jiang, dzejqub, Abhishek.Kuchibhotla, ZeroDawn.0D, programmingwizard, Ansh, Jack104, Nikhil Acharya, Sid Dubey, Mani, Guilherme Marcelo, MatthewS, tkp, Jagannath

Task type

  • code Code
  • chrome_reader_mode Documentation / Training

