The ns-3 Network Simulator Project

Use ns-3 apiscan to generate bindings for the “core” module

ns-3 uses python bindings as middleware to call C++ functions from python. ns-3 codebase comes with an API framework to scan the C++ modules and create corresponding python binding. The aim of this task is to scan the core module in ns-3 codebase and write about the steps followed and issues faced and how they were resolved.

The API scanning toolchain is only presently supported for Linux/gcc. Supporting on MacOS/clang is an open issue:

The student is expected to do the following:

  1. Install bake in ns-3.
  2. Make sure to have all the dependency called out for API scanning
  3. Follow the binding generation step from the reference link and scan the core module
  4. Submit a report for evaluation with the generated files.

Task tags

  • python
  • documentation

Students who completed this task

Kr0n0s, hax0kartik, howie

Task type

  • chrome_reader_mode Documentation / Training