The ns-3 Network Simulator Project

Check Config::Connect patch, document, diagnose

Read the bug report referenced. Your task is to identify where those bogus errors are coming from.

  1. Apply the patch from the bug report
  2. Download the test program from the bug report to the scratch directory
  3. Show that the test program does indeed produce the warnings listed in the bug report
  4. Where the patch inserted NS_LOG_UNCOND use NS_FATAL_ERROR instead
  5. Run the test program again to see where these warnings are produced. You'll need to do this in a debugger. When the fatal error is triggered it will state that it originated in src/core/model/, which is where you inserted NS_FATAL_ERROR, but that's not where the bad trace name is coming from. You'll need to look at the call stack to see what function is using the incorrect trace source name.

Bonus: inspect the location of each error and identify what the correct trace source name should be.

Task tags

  • ns-3
  • c++
  • debugger

Students who completed this task

InquisitivePenguin, hax0kartik

Task type

  • code Code