The ns-3 Network Simulator Project

Create p-i-d --output-text grep tool

We use Doxygen to generate documentation for our source code and APIs, usually in html format. When at the command line, however, it's often more useful to get just a quick summary, without having to open a browser, etc.

Take a look at Bug 764. Your task is to implement a standalone tool to implement Tom's suggestion for a quick search.

  1. Decide what to name your tool. It should be clear from the name what it does. Your tool should go in the utils directory.
  2. Decide on the language you want to use. It should probably be either Python or shell script.
  3. Your script should take any number of argument words
  4. It should invoke the print-introspected-doxygen program, as discussed in the bug report, and filter the output to show only lines containing all the words on the command line of step 3. In other words, it should require all the words listed.
  5. Bonus: add a command option to search instead for any of the words listed, not all

Task tags

  • python
  • grep
  • bash

Students who completed this task

SaiMyGuy, hax0kartik

Task type

  • chrome_reader_mode Documentation / Training