pgRouting: Update of workshop images
- Section of pgRouting workshop needs new images
- There are 8 images to be updated, all are on this section: https://workshop.pgrouting.org/2.6/en/chapters/installation.html#download-osgeolive-12-0
what to do
- Using OSGeoLive 13.0
- And VirtualBox (link found on chapter)
- Create a new set of images.
- image name can be found by clicking on the image, example:
- clicking on first image, the link is: https://workshop.pgrouting.org/2.6/en/_images/downloadOSGeoLive.png therefore the name of the image is: downloadOSGeoLive.png
The day before the contest ends or when all instances are done, whatever comes out first, a task for making a PR to the repository will be done, with one instance only. There will be a lottery with a code given to you by the mentor.
- The 8 images with the appropriate names
- Remind the mentor to give a code for the lottery when approving
Task tags
Students who completed this task
Navya Garg, Lucifer, TanvirSingh, Dhanus SL, Pranay