Public Lab

Review Pull request in image-sequencer for Week 7

Duration:13th January 2019 to 19th January 2019 In this task, we will be awarding points to the folks who will help us in reviewing the Pull Request in the image-sequencer repository

Reviews allow you to comment on the changes proposed in pull requests, request further changes before the pull request is merged. You can also suggest specific changes to a line, which the author can apply directly from the pull request.

Submit general feedback about the Pull Request or suggest any additional changes that are required. Ensure that the PR has corresponding tests and screenshots if needed. Please read and abide by our Code of Conduct(;

Weekly we will give you 1 Point after completion of this task. You can review multiple repositories PR if you are willing to help us more.

This task is specifically for 7th week for the image-sequencer repository. Once you have completed this task you can go to week 8 and get additional points.

Task tags

  • reviews

Students who completed this task

HarshK, LeoDog896

Task type

  • assessment Outreach / Research