JBoss Community

[Beginner] [Java] Create a simple HTTP server in Java

An HTTP server serves data to clients using the HTTP protocol. It is also known as a web server. Create a simple HTTP server in Java using socket and render a sample text on the browser. Refer this for the basics of HTTP server and related stuff, don't follow the code, feel free to follow the theory here: https://medium.com/from-the-scratch/http-server-what-do-you-need-to-know-to-build-a-simple-http-server-from-scratch-d1ef8945e4fa

Submission Requirements:

  1. The intended output is the link to a Github gist showing the Java program, along with the instructions to run the program added in the comments at the top of the gist.

Task tags

  • java
  • socket
  • http-server

Students who completed this task

charitarthc, Mpcs, Blackstone, Anglov, Ionut, CodeNinja, s091424, ritz363, EyssaB, Prabh_singh, Qwerty1234555, achyut.apk, Goutam, Nisha, AJ, PrajM2003, YVB, Schmoop, rocky, Amy H, santriptasharma, kevin456, Skyterix, Sensei_amulya, Dan Vixent, Siddhartha, Nalin_1000101

Task type

  • code Code

