JBoss Community
Create examples of Object Oriented Programming in Java
Create examples in Java that demonstrate the principles of encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism(both compile-time polymorphism and runtime polymorphism), Abstraction. Also, write a small description of each principle and of any advantages or disadvantages it may have in a separate text file.
Completion requirements:
Upload your code and the descriptions you created to a Github repository and post the link in a comment.
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Students who completed this task
melunian, charitarthc, eBoy, Panther314, Nathan Wangidjaja, RX, HP, kchatr, Jyoti, Haider Miakhel, Kub4k1, benxin.hu, DS007, Gap, Muhammad sharjeel tunio, Ninad Dadmal, CodeNinja, s091424, Ajay Daniel Trevor, ProCoder101, QualityTrash, Nova Ramadhona, Bhuvan, Histesh Mungara, R!TZ, kailin.tian, SayamSawai, Shitij, AdnanSayyed, Feynman3301, Lintang pramesti, Lichtut, Danelegend, SophiaC, Shubh Agarwal, xiaodan.zhang, Dominik, lukasz-zbrzeski, TheCooder, Lauraf50, Ronit, Ivan3ol, amol, camjs, Ismat, VeGita__@, Aayushman, kevin456, zinowiew, Skyterix, Sensei_amulya, achen1192, hassan, Dan Vixent, Siddhartha