JBoss Community

[Easy] Create your first game with ReactJS

Complete the tutorial found at

Having some Javascript and HTML knowledge beforehand would help a lot with the completion of the task.

A few handy Javascript tutorials can be found in the links below.

Completion requirements:

  • Complete the tutorial. (Use Setup Option 2: Local Development Environment )
  • Change the order in which the players play the games (e.g. instead of the game starting with player X it should start with player O)
    Do not change the order of the names, you should change the logic in the boolean that decides which player plays first.
  • Change the name of one of the players to your GCI username and the name of the other player to something random.

  • Replace X and O with other letters.

  • Change the word "Winner" that appears at the end, to "Champion"
  • Add an extra custom win condition.
    A player should be able to win by filling the boxes like the example below:
    | o | _ | _ |
    | _ | o | _ |
    | o | _ | _ |
  • Upload the program to Github and share the link in a comment.

Attach screenshots of the game

Helpful link:

Intro to Github and repositories: https://guides.github.com/activities/hello-world/

HTML basics:

Javascript basics:


Task tags

  • game
  • reactjs

Students who completed this task

melunian, Coder, Akshan, Ionut, Ahsan Ullah, Anu2006, Ninad Dadmal, CodeNinja, Panther314, Sko0owi, Jaza, Faaaabian, SayamSawai, alexberti02, achyut.apk, Shashank Kota, GICMan, Lichtut, ShimadaShimado, Jwire1, jayinnn, Dominik, lukasz-zbrzeski, Minh, superMax, charodziej, Aayushman, s091424, Minh Dinh

Task type

  • code Code