[React-GraphQL] An advanced dashboard to mutate through a list of records fetched from an API
This is going to be an advanced task so it's recommended to do tasks 1-2 first. For this task, create a dashboard to display all the repositories of a given user and list all the issues and its details and comments from the given API. The user should also be able to mutate (CREATE, EDIT, DELETE) any of these issues and its respective comments
The data for these entities can be fetched from the given API.
Useful links
API: Refer https://developer.github.com/v4/guides/forming-calls/#the-graphql-endpoint
https://www.apollographql.com/docs/react/ https://reactjs.org/docs/create-a-new-react-app.html
Steps to Take:
Fork the Git repository: https://github.com/JBossOutreach/gci-starwars-dashboard Clone your fork, create a new branch Send pull requests
Basic knowledge of Git. Basic knowledge of Javascript.
Expected Outcome:
A merged merge request.