Systers, an community

Create a document to verify that the Mentorship App follows the App security best practices.


  1. Install Git.
  2. Install Android Studio.
  3. Clone the project in your system, Refer to these instructions.
  4. Open Project in Android Studio in your system, Refer to these instructions
  5. Read about the App security best practices as mentioned in the Android documentation here


  1. Read through the App security best practices
  2. Read through the Mentorship App code and verify whether the Mentorship App follows these practices.
  3. Create a word document mentioning each practice and whether the Mentorship App follow it or not. Include screenshots of the code
  4. The document must contain at least 3 practices


  1. For installation and setup refer to setting up the project.
  2. If you need help or get lost, post a "New topic" in the documentation-training-tasks stream.
  3. Feel free to ask any of your doubts related to the task in the GCI Dashboard section from the task's mentor.

Work Submission:

Link to the Google Doc or upload the documentation file.

Task tags

  • security
  • documentation
  • android

Students who completed this task

_carbon_dioxide_, asawesome07, BartekPacia, _daksha_

Task type

  • code Code
  • chrome_reader_mode Documentation / Training