Systers, an community
Create a Powerpoint Presentation that can be used as promotional material for Mentorship App
Install Powerpoint || Copy this slide deck and use it to create the presentation.
- Install and use the Mentorship App, and based on your observations, make a PPT that can be used for promotion, or pitching the product.
- The presentation should contain 7 - 10 slides, based on the pointers mentioned : (You are free to add your own) :
- Brief Introduction of Systers
- Problem Statement of Mentorship App
- How the app solves the problem
- Brief description of the use cases and target audience
- Future scope of the project
- Export the .ppt file. # Resources
- Download the Mentorship App here.
- If you need help or get lost, post a "New topic" in the outreach-research-tasks stream. # Work Submission Submit the link to the .ppt file in a shared folder on a document sharing platform.
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Menina, _carbon_dioxide_, nikiminchu, polabedz