Systers, an community
Show error when both current user & another user are only mentors & none of them needs mentoring in MemberProfileActivity (Mentorship - Android)
- Fork and clone the project from the github repository
- Follow the documentation for successfully setting up the project
- Open Project in Android Studio
- Assign yourself as only "available to mentor"
- Navigate to "Members" tab in BottomNavigationView
- Click on any other member who is only "available to mentor"
- In the MemberProfileActivity click on "Send Request" button, SendRequestActivity will open up
- Now, SendRequestActivity should not open because if both users are only "Available to mentor" then that request can't be possible and the user cannot be sent to SendRequestActivity
- Show either a Dialog box or SnackBar in MemberProfileActivity that displays "This request is not possible because both users are only ‘available to mentor’ “
- If you need help or get lost, post a "New topic" in the coding-android-tasks stream.
Work Submission:
After successfully fixing this issue, commit and make a Pull Request. Title of PR should contain "Program:GCI"
- Commit Message Style Guide
- Sample PR structure
- Make sure to attach either screenshot or GIF of the fixed issue
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