Systers, an community

Integrate past mentorship relations of the current user through API (Mentorship - Android)


  1. Fork and clone the project from the github repository
  2. Follow the documentation for successfully setting up the project
  3. Open Project in Android Studio


  1. Create new mentorship request
  2. Navigate to "Requests" tab in BottomNavigationView
  3. Under "PAST" Tab load all the past relations from the /mentorship_relations/past API


Work Submission:

After successfully fixing this issue, commit and make a Pull Request. Title of PR should contain "Program:GCI"

  1. Commit Message Style Guide
  2. Sample PR structure
  3. Make sure to attach either screenshot or GIF of the fixed issue

Task tags

  • kotlin
  • android

Students who completed this task

_daksha_, BartekPacia

Task type

  • code Code