Systers, an community

Add functionality to add new Task/Achievement (Mentorship - Android)



  1. Move to the Tasks tab in the Relation fragment.
  2. There is a floating action button used to create a new task.
  3. However the recently added task/achievement is not displayed on the screen.
  4. Implement the functionality to add a new task/achievement.
  5. Make the arrows on the right side of the screen functional that can be used to collapse the list of tasks or achievements.
  6. Make sure that the achievements list is also displayed on Home Screen under "Recent Achievements"


Work Submission

Create a pull request with label "Program:GCI" in Mentorship-Android with the code changes for the task.

Task tags

  • systers
  • kotlin
  • android
  • code
  • mentorship

Students who completed this task

_daksha_, asawesome07, BartekPacia, HardikJH, i_maier

Task type

  • code Code