Systers, an community

Add potential error responses to Swagger UI (Backend)


Swagger user interface, the one accessible locally through localhost:5000, does not have all the error responses properly documented. You can see the 200 HTTP code, documented as a successful message, but some APIs may return 401, 403, 404 and these are not documented. You can use annotations by from flask-restplus framework that allows you to do this.


  • Have a GitHub account
  • Know how to use git
  • Setup and run the project on your local development environment


  • Create a copy of the project into your account GitHub by forking systers/mentorship-backend project.
  • Clone the project onto your local development environment
  • [Optional] Create a branch to make your changes
  • Document every HTTP error code response, by exposing them on the Swagger UI per each API (e.g.: 404 for user not found when sending a new request).
  • Commit your change through the interface using our Commit message Style Guide.
  • Submit a Pull Request, targeting gci-dev branch, following the template provided in the description.


  • If you need help or get lost, post a response to our questions topic in our #gci stream.
  • Pull request template at this link.
  • Commit message Style Guide can be found here.
  • How to fork, clone and setup remotes the project into your account wiki page can be found here.
  • Swagger documentation API from flask-RESTPlus can be found here

Work Submission:

Submit a link to Pull Request (PR), with reference to #345 created with the change.

Task tags

  • python
  • swagger
  • backend

Students who completed this task

_daksha_, asawesome07, BartekPacia, HardikJH, i_maier

Task type

  • code Code