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Install and Verify Postman for testing back-end API endpoints (Mentorship-Backend)


  1. Install Postman - (How to)


  1. Launch the Postman app
  2. In the left navigation pane, select Collections, and expand the Postman Echo collection
  3. Expand the Request Methods folder in the Postman Echo collection [ Take Screenshot #1 ]
  4. Click on and run the GET Request test under the Request Methods folder by pressing the Send button to the right of the request at the top of the screen
  5. In the response section at the bottom of the screen, view the response Body, Cookies, Headers, and Test Results
  6. If the response indicates the endpoint has been moved to a different URL, modify the GET request and SEND the request to the new endpoint.
  7. Take a screenshot of the GET Request Response body [ Take Screenshot #2 ]
  8. Run all the tests in the Postman Echo collection to verify your setup and become comfortable testing API endpoints with Postman


Work Submission:

Share Screenshot #1 and Screenshot #2 by uploading them in a Google Drive folder / Pastebin Images and sharing a link which is publicly accessible.

Task tags

  • qa
  • api testing
  • postman
  • backend

Students who completed this task

hemino, doteq, Alfan Jauhari

Task type

  • done_all Quality Assurance

