Copyleft Games

Intro to Linux Development

This is a great first task you already have Linux installed. If you do not already have Linux installed you should start at

This guide assumes no prior experience with Linux.

Before starting, go to and click LOGIN in the upper right. Ask mentors and other students for help on our web-based chat if you run into problems, be patient because it may sometimes take a bit for someone to see your message.

Each Linux distribution has a different package manager, use it to install "Mercurial". Ask on our webchat if you have trouble finding it.

Next, open a Terminal and type hg clone to use Mercurial to download libsoy. This may take a bit.

Change to the new libsoy directory with the cd libsoy command and type less INSTALL to read the directions. Find the section for to your Linux distribution and copy/paste those to the terminal.

Now you should be able to type ./waf configure and then compile libsoy with the ./waf build command. Ask on chat if it fails with an error, warnings can be ignored.

If everything went well, type sudo ./waf install to install libsoy.

Type cd ~ to return to your home directory and use Mercurial to clone - repeat all the steps from libsoy to compile pysoy.

Test your installation by changing to PySoy examples directory and type ./ to test it. If you see spinning blocks congratulations, you did it!

Take a screenshot and post it to this task to finish.

Task tags

  • linux

Students who completed this task

Pram.Nayar, alpha.charlie2320, Yumozi, guaduator, alfen, Louis, EX3x19, Rayan Madan, Gummyii, OverHash, Chandal, Jake Feeney, AlphaThesis, khurana, ltuncer, chrishowes55, eliu0000, sidsabh, Katie

Task type

  • code Code
  • assessment Outreach / Research

