Copyleft Games

Present New Feature (Jan 11)

Present a new feature on our GCI weekly meeting along with a live demonstration. Ensure you attribute the developer(s) responsible for the feature in your presentation.

The meeting will be on Jan 11 at 20:00UTC. You will have 3-4 minutes for your presentation followed by 2-3 minutes for discussion and questions. Coordinate with the meeting host and be sure to test your demonstration before the meeting to work out any technical issues.

While working on this task you should remain available on our web-based chat on Make sure to ask your parents permission before using your webcam, students are encouraged to use audio-only or screencast for privacy.

Post a link to the resulting Youtube video of the weekly meeting to finish this task.

Task tags

  • meeting

Students who completed this task


Task type

  • chrome_reader_mode Documentation / Training
  • assessment Outreach / Research