Tracker: Several strings are not displayed localized despite translating well in shell
Student should have basic knowledge of the Django framework. Having some Tracker tasks completed before taking this one is recommended.
If you create a ticket in a topic that require statutory declarations, you'll see Statutory declaration field description in English despite having interface language changed to Czech, for instance. The same applied for Ticket xx was created message. However, in shell everything works as expected.
>>> from django.utils import translation
>>> from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _
>>> translation.activate('cs')
>>> _('English')
>>> _('Statutory declaration')
'Čestné prohlášení'
>>> _('Ticket %s is created') % 'a'
'Vytvořen tiket a.'
Task's objective
You should investigate why Tracker misbehaves. If you're able to find a solution, please upload a patch to Wikimedia Gerrit against wikimedia-cz/tracker
To have this task considered completed, you do not need to find a solution for this problem - you, however, need to make genuine effort to investigate. You should document steps you performed to investigate in comments at Phabricator task, so others do not need to do the same as you did. Posting snippets, screenshots and similar is welcomed.