
Flask-JSONlocale: flask-jsonlocale should support parameters

Flask-JSONLocale library is used to localize Flask-based apps. Its users include Watch Translations or Commons Mass Description.


Sometimes, a system message can contain a parameter - for instance, you might want to make a software say "You created your account before X months". The X can differ for each reason. For that reason, when calling the library to localize such messages, parameters will be passed separately - and the library will use the translation and place the values at correct places. In Python, Python formatting can be used for that purpose.

Proposed solution

Flask-JSONlocale should allow messages to be python-formatted strings. When using the library, you could declare message as You have your account for %(months)s, and then call the get_message() function as get_message('message-code', months=12), which would then render as You have your account for 12 months.

Student is expected to provide a GitHub pull request against

Task tags

  • flask
  • python
  • library

Students who completed this task


Task type

  • code Code