The Julia Programming Language

Create an example package to learn Julia package dev workflows

To contribute to the Julia ecosystem, you should be familiar with how packages are structured, how they are tested, hosted and know a basic package development workflow. For this task, create an example package that has the following features:

  • At least one exported function (perhaps this could be an easy practice problem/puzzle)
  • Units tests
  • Docstrings and docs (e.g. using Documenter.jl)
  • A basic CI setup
  • At least one dependency (note: stdlib deps like Test are fine) You may use tools such as PkgTemplates.jl to make your life easier. Once done, push the package to Github or another git hoster of your choice.

This video might also help.

Students who completed this task


Task type

  • code Code
  • chrome_reader_mode Documentation / Training

