The Julia Programming Language

Develop an anagram finder function


Improve Julia coding skills.


An anagram is a word or phrase formed by rearranging the letters of a different word or phrase, typically using all the original letters exactly once. For example, the word “dog” can be rearranged into "god". Or for example, the word “binary” can be rearranged into "brainy".

What to do?

You must accomplish three things:

1) Write a function is_anagram that returns true if the provided two words are anagrams, or returns false otherwise. Don’t overthink this. Perhaps it can be written in a single line of code?

For example:

is_anagram(“iceman”, “cinema”)    # true
is_anagram(“dog”, “cat”)          # false

2) A list of dictionary words can be downloaded here Write a function download_words that downloads the file, lowercase everything, and returns the words as an array.

3) Write a function called find_anagrams that finds all related anagrams for a word. For example:

julia> find_anagrams("iceman", words)
3-element Array{String,1}:

How to submit your solution?

You can publish your code on GitHub in a repository or as a public gist. Include the link in the comments.

Task tags

  • julia

Students who completed this task

mikolajhojda, Soumitra Shewale, DarkoGNU, kfung, akshat2004, Redeem_Grimm, JeremyNguyen, abhishalya, radroof22, Arjav Patel

Task type

  • code Code