The Julia Programming Language

Complete "The world of Machine Learning with Knet" course on

For this task, you will just be doing a lot of Learning!

  • Sign up for JuliaAcademy
  • Take the world of Machine Learning with Knet course and finish it 100%.
  • Upload a screenshot here of your completed course
  • Upload feedback about the course to this thread. Note that the comments do not need to be all positive. We are looking for feedback to improve the experience for students learning Julia!

Note that feedback on topics like Machine Learning is especially valuable given that the topic itself is inherently difficult.

Also note that for the feedback, you should provide 2-3 specific pieces of feedback that we can use to improve the course. This means that just saying you agree with what everyone else said is not considered quality feedback.

Task tags

  • knet
  • ml
  • julia
  • learning

Students who completed this task

aasangamnerkar, Redeem_Grimm, altlk, Adstech, deepmehar, TheComputerM, shyam, rudyrajput22, Esbah Ahmed, dhruv2604, kchatr, TARUN49157, Dhanus SL, D3ni, mikolajhojda, nika02, jasobar627, ccl, Daniel Z., Kuper, PseudoCodeNerd, Abhinav Gupta, IM, Aarti ojha, bhavya sivaraj

Task type

  • code Code
  • chrome_reader_mode Documentation / Training
  • assessment Outreach / Research
  • done_all Quality Assurance