Sugar Labs

Set up the Sugar Desktop

If you are going to contribute to Sugar, it helps to familiarize yourself with the project, and experience it first hand. To do that, you need to install it and use it.

There are many ways to do this, depending on your equipment, your operating system, and your goals:

  • Sugar desktop user experience on startup
  • Sugar activity development
  • Sugar desktop module development
  • Works on a spare computer
  • Works as a Virtual Machine

For details, please see our Wiki page Google Code-in - Background - Setting up a Sugar desktop environment.

Once you have Sugar installed, hover your mouse over the XO icon and upload a screen shot and write a short description of which approach you took, what problems you encountered, and any suggestions you might have for improving the documentation.

Sugar Labs has many different software products. For this task, make sure it is Sugar you are using, and not Sugarizer.

Task tags

  • sugar

Students who completed this task

supershadoe, Abhay Malik, pratyush3124, Thinker Pal, Cheshta, avni, BenTechy, DubiousDeck, Evendetor, Alicia, pidddgy, rhythm, NathanDimmer, Mappy, Rishikesh Joshi, srevinsaju, achen1192, sdziuda, Rahul03rai, Kiy4h, Luna, Smag, Robski, Kausikaram A.L., Ark, EmTee14, Uasked4dat

Task type

  • chrome_reader_mode Documentation / Training
  • done_all Quality Assurance

