Liquid Galaxy project

Create a script in bash that checks Google Earth PID process

Code a bash script that show the PID of Google Earth's process from all screens and save them at a text file.


  • Using SSH connection the bash need to be able to get the PID from all the screens.
  • Save the text file with the name ""EarthPID.txt"", don't forget to put the .txt at the end of the name to assure it is a text file.

Task delivery
"Record a short video in .mp4 of your working script running send us the following:

  • Video
  • Script source code;
  • Documentation. Via task dashboard for mentor review and approval.

Obs.: Make sure to make a good documentation so everyone can use your applications without problems on any step.

Task tags

  • google earth

Students who completed this task


Task type

  • code Code

