Liquid Galaxy project

Games idealization

Idealize how to port a game to be deployed to Liquid Galaxy and develop a detailed document. Example:

  1. Game Name - Developer
  2. If you have an open source repository and the link
  3. Single player or multiplayer
  4. Images
  5. Etc

Task delivery
3 pages minimum, 14 chacacter size max, including one image max per page.
Incluide a liquid galaxy setup of 5 screens with your game painted inside and across the screens. Use this LG setup: you can draw it schematicaly or do a great task using the photo, cleaning the screens background and drawing over and across your game .

Publish a pdf in the selected task of your Google Code-in dashboard and send to our email for mentor review and approval.

Task tags

  • game
  • research

Students who completed this task

Matej, Alvii_07, Kewbish, asmrvin

Task type

  • assessment Outreach / Research