Liquid Galaxy project
TOP TEN TASK: Snapshot your VM Liquid Galaxy !!!
At this moment many of you have used the Oracle Virtual Box software to create a virtual Liquid Galaxy, and doing very nice video and pdf tutorials.
But are you aware of the Snapshot functionality ?? Basically you can record a vm at almost any moment, and record the video image to the disk. Plenty of info around, like:
Task is:
- create your own LG 3 screens VM (or launch the one you have already working)
- double test the setup is working nicely
- record a snapshot of every machine.
- write a pdf with the explanation for a user on how: . install the vb soft, 3 instances . reload the snapshots on them . adjust whatever is needed to be configured when another user on another lan and conditions uses this system. . have the system tested and running like yours.
Task delivery (you'll need a fast connexion, as files are gonna be huge):
- record your three snapshots on your google drive, open reading permissions and share the link with us.
- send and post the pdf
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Students who completed this task
ItsSzczepan, Kewbish, ItsPKS, asmrvin, Dyl, Merul Dhiman, Alvii_07, RoyalChirayu, Janiru Semitha