Liquid Galaxy project

[BASH] - Create a bash script to screenshot a specific screen.

"Create a bash script that screenshots a specific screen chosen by the user. Requirements:

  • Install Liquid Galaxy
  • The script has to ask for the screen to be screenshotted and the folder/path on which the user wants it to be saved. 🞄 Input example: 3 /home/lg/images/

     -> Means the user wants to screenshot screen 3 and save it on /home/lg/images/.
  • If the user asks for a screen that is not in the current installation show an error message and ask for a new number.

  • The image has to be named ""lg-screenNumber_day-month-year_hour-minute-second"". 🞄 Example: lg-3_17-11-2019_15-32-09 means the screenshot was taken from screen 3 on 17/11/2019 at 15:32:09."

Task delivery
Post your script file in your Google Code-in dashboard

Task tags

  • bash script
  • code

Students who completed this task

Pascal, ItsSzczepan, Qazi Omair Ahmed, ItsPKS

Task type

  • code Code