Liquid Galaxy project

TOP TEN TASK: Invent a list of 20 volunteers for our HAPIS project

This year, in the context of a scolarship in the program Google Summer Of Code 2019 LG have a new web application, HAPIS
Here, you can interact and see on the Liquid Galaxy screens the location and a bubble with volunteers information.
In the link below you can find the project structure with some web interface screenshots

The aim task is to create a list of 20 volunteers with the next fields:

Complete Name:the complete name of the volunteer person. Eg:Cristian Ribeiro
Email: the email account of the donor. Eg:
Birthyear: the birthyear of the volunteer. Eg: 1990
Location:the location must be a real coordinate from a town in [longitude, latitude] format. Eg: [0.618135, 41.614350]
City:The city name where you got the location coordinates. Eg.Lleida

Task delivery
Send us a .xls or .xlxs file to
Publish it too in the selected task of your Google Code-in dashboard for mentor review and approval.

Task tags

  • google earth
  • research

Students who completed this task


Task type

  • assessment Outreach / Research

