Liquid Galaxy project

City Tour App – Task 4

This is task 1 of a five-task series. The final product of these five tasks will be an Android application that serves as a guide for tourists to your city (or any city of your choice). The app will also be connected to a Liquid Galaxy system.

This task involves connecting the app and database to a Liquid Galaxy setup (a laptop displaying Google Earth is alright, a three-machine setup is not necessary). Create a script that connects to your Firebase database, gets the name of the place that the app user clicked on, and then moves the Liquid Galaxy to that place. Hint – one of the files in this Liquid Galaxy project might help you with the script

Task Delivery

Send your Android project (as a zip file), your script, a video demo of your app along with the Firebase database and Liquid Galaxy, and an apk of your app to Also publish these on the Google Code-in task dashboard.

Task tags

  • city tour
  • android
  • firebase
  • liquid galaxy
  • bash

Students who completed this task

mobiusdonut, ItsSzczepan, StuckDexter, KApusta

Task type

  • code Code