Liquid Galaxy project

Create a script that converts a CSV file into KML

Liquid Galaxy uses KML to represent points in the map.
The aim of this task is to create a CSV file as example with some points of the map and convert them
programmatically into a KML file, so Liquid Galaxy is able to represent these points.
The CSV file must have at least name, latitude and longitude and 10 entries.
Task delivery
Send us the code in an ascii file to
(we can not use github or similar to avoid cheating) Publish it too in the selected task of your Google Code-in dashboard for mentor review and approval.

Task tags

  • code
  • csv
  • kml

Students who completed this task

Kewbish, harbar20, asmrvin, ItsSzczepan, MiroslavShard, Legominds, mobiusdonut

Task type

  • code Code