Liquid Galaxy project

City Tour App – Task 1

This is task 1 of a five-task series. The final product of these five tasks will be an Android application that serves as a guide for tourists to your city (or any city of your choice). The app will also be connected to a Liquid Galaxy system.

The first task is to actually come up with a list of 3 categories (for example attractions, restaurants, history, fun facts, etc) specific to your chosen city and populate them with listings of places. For example, under the 'attractions' category, someone who has chosen New York might write about Times Square, Central Park, the Empire State Building, and more. You can write about as many listings as you wish (a minimum of 3). At least 2 sentences per listing.

Task Delivery

Send this document as a pdf or text file to Also publish it on the Google Code-in task dashboard.

Task tags

  • city tour
  • tourism
  • android
  • documentation
  • java

Students who completed this task

kaancakil, omgscar, Ayush_2003, sintemal, aryammanbhatia, Avinash_Kashyap, Krystofex, Angela, asmrvin, aharshit123456, Harshit.k_7, Uk Sharma, StuckDexter, kahy, KApusta, seanrk, Dyl, Shubham, ItsSzczepan, Aryan Garg, Avikam, HieuHoang, Bethany, An Onimous Boy, hoang2002ph, averagetechsupportanand, _samyakk, Mohtashim, RoyalChirayu, arnavj, Imflevi, Kewbish, mobiusdonut, Sanjali, Leon, Aayush, Merul Dhiman, Zeint, Futr, Ari

Task type

  • chrome_reader_mode Documentation / Training
  • assessment Outreach / Research