Liquid Galaxy project

[WEB] Create a website with only a search bar, to take control of query.txt

Create a website with a search bar that creates a copy of the archive /temp/query.txt of google earth with the new information entered in the search bar. This information can be tha name of places, the coordinates of some location, or even with planet you want to see. Advice: look at the following tasks to undestant how the query.txt work: -[API] Work with the API LiquidGalaxy_kml_Uploader to send querys to change Google Earth location. -[API] Work with the API LiquidGalaxy_kml_Uploader to send querys to change the planet on Googe Earth.

Task delivery
Publish it too in the selected task of your Google Code-in dashboard and to email for mentor review and approval.

Task tags

  • code
  • web
  • api

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Task type

  • code Code