Liquid Galaxy project

TOP TWO TASK: design a simple Android aplication with the OSC protocol

The OSC protocol is something we really want to incorporate to our main code. Read about it here:

You'll need a Liquid Galaxy setup for this task, build it with the VM method, using virtual box or similar, with 3 instances at least.

Then develop a simple Android apk than sends a OSC command to the Liquid Galaxy and moves to a city. Place at least 5 cities on the apk main screen. Remember that you have to incorporate OSC server code in the master liquid galaxy to receive and act on your android apk osc command. Follow Sreyas documentation to do this.

If interested look for other tasks about OSC in your dashboard.

Task delivery: A 20 seconds .mp4 video showing simultaneously your android smartphone with your apk, and the desktop running the vms with lg. Press some cities to shop up your code works. Send us the code, video and apk (android) to (do not use Github) Publish it too in the selected task of your Google Code-in dashboard for mentor review and approval.

Task tags

  • osc
  • protocol
  • android

Students who completed this task

Qazi Omair Ahmed, Kewbish, mobiusdonut, Dyl, Merul Dhiman, ItsPKS

Task type

  • code Code
  • assessment Outreach / Research