Liquid Galaxy project
Install JS games by our Facens LG team: Pong and Snake
Remember that LG can run other platforms that Google Earth, like multiple Chromium browsers, opening the world to JS and HTML 5 applications,. As sample look at the nice Pong and Snake games developed by our team at Facens.
Task is:
- follow the github instructions and install both games on your system.
- record a .mp4 video (if large share a drive link with it for us to download and publish in our site) with the two games running, one after the other. Include a pdf with your opinion about what opportunities for the Liquid Galaxy platform have this technique (of doing JS apps), and if you have any trouble installing them.
NOTE: Have ready your VM or full LG system and then run it across, it's not enough on one computer! Minimum 3 vm or pcs.
Task delivery is: Sent the pdf and .mp4 or drive link it to and post it there
Task tags
Students who completed this task
Dyl, tapaswini, mobiusdonut, Aayush