City Tour App – Task 5 (Final!)
This is the last task of a five-task series. The final product of these five tasks will be an Android application that serves as a guide for tourists to your city (or any city of your choice). The app will also be connected to a Liquid Galaxy system.
Well done so far! The last task of this series is creating a blurb of information about the place that the app user clicked on that will display on the Liquid Galaxy. Here is an example for the Eiffel Tower in Paris (the directions part is not necessary).
Task Delivery
Send your Android project (as a zip file), your script, a final video demo of your app along with the Firebase database and Liquid Galaxy, and an apk of your app to Also publish these on the Google Code-in task dashboard. Feel free to publish your app to the Play Store as well (if you already have an account)!