Liquid Galaxy project

[GALAXY SNAKE] - Re-design Liquid Galaxy Snake web controller

"Galaxy Snake is a recreation of the old game Snake but with a few features such as a multiplayer mode and that the gaming area can be divided in multiple screens. It was designed using Javascript, HTML and library called

To control the snakes' movement, we created a web controller that simulates a joystick, where you press buttons to pause and play the game, set when ready and arrow keys to move to a desired direction. The problem is: it's not the best design we could've made. The design doesn't have good points on usability and it could be a lot prettier.

The purpouse of this task is to re-design the controller so it follows good usability patterns, but mantaining its functionality, so the objective is changing only the design of the controller and not the controller logic on the game itself.

What you need to do:

  • Learn about the term Usability and draw a controller mockup
  • Bring the mockup to life using HTML
  • Test and integrate with the Javascript file

The files you'll need to use are located inside the public/controller/ directory. Their names are: Controller.js and index.html.

You can find Galaxy Snake in our GitHub repository:"

Task delivery
"Send us the mockup image and the .js and HTML files in the task of your Google Code-in dashboard for mentor review and approval "

Task tags

  • galaxy snake
  • javascript
  • design
  • html

Students who completed this task


Task type

  • code Code
  • web Design