Liquid Galaxy project

"[BASH] - Create a bash script that checks internet status "

A big issue when using Google Earth on the Liquid Galaxy is that it needs full internet connection. If internet is down the application crashes and you need to re-open earth. Your task is to create a script in bash that checks every 3 minutes if the internet is on. If internet is ok, print the message "Internet is on" in the screen. If it's down print the message : "Internet is down"

Task delivery
"Send us the bash script in the task of your Google Code-in dashboard for mentor review and approval "

Task tags

  • bash script
  • google earth
  • code

Students who completed this task

Alper, Qazi Omair Ahmed, AppleCat, kahy, pepexd555, AdnanSayyed, Looter, harbar20, Hergebot, Pascal, Krystofex, asmrvin, GODSON, Merul Dhiman, av3xra, VishalBala, breakgimme, Tanay Biradar, Wizzy, LeoDog896

Task type

  • code Code