TOP X TASK: Arduino's back: Using ultrasonic sensors to Control Liquid Galaxy
Task created by student Praveen, thanks !
To learn how to interface Ultrasonic Sensor with Arduino : You can use LG Controller Commands and Pyserial Library for this task.
Task is: Take 3 Ultrasonic sensor and connect it with an Arduino or any MCU, Sens1, Sens2, Sens3.
Program it in a manner so that:
When your hand comes infront of Sens1, It Zooms In the Google Earth Along with all the other machines Liquid Galaxy Setup Needed, either VM or physical machines.
When it comes infront of Sens2, It Zooms out on Google Earth.
On the Sens3, making it more interesting, we assign 15, 30, 45, 60 centimetre to a particular city. For example, say your put your hand approximately in (30-35) cm range of Sens3, It will redirect you to London, if (40-45), It will take you to Paris and so on.
Task delivery:
- record a 1 minut .mp4 video (no faces, no names) with your voice explaining and showing your system running, rpi, sensors and laptop with LG VM or lg.
- send arduino code
- send pdf with documentation on hardware and building guide step.