Set up Liquid Galaxy on a Raspberry Pi
The Raspberry Pi is a small single-board computer developed in the United Kingdom by the Raspberry Pi Foundation to promote the teaching of basic computer science in schools and in developing countries. It is mainly used for developing virtual assistants, robots etc.
Requirements: A Raspberry Pi board. (the better the faster will run)
You need to create a basic liquid galaxy setup of 2 computers. The master will be your PC and the slave will be the Raspberry Pi. Look out for installing Google Earth on the Pi and modifying the drivers.ini according to the documentation here: If you don’t have a keyboard or a mouse, you can use a VNC server. In case you are not successful, note down the problems you incurred and any additional details. Even this will count!
Delivery Record a 1 minut .mp4 video with the setup showing up the rpi in action (no faces no names) and attach too a PDF doc on how you did it, or the problems you faced and additional details. Send the same to
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