Liquid Galaxy project


Most of you are already users and know how to use this platform. Github is the most used repository for open source in the world, and allows teams to work together remotely.

As GCI is ending we are gonna publish some of your great tasks there, including not only code, but logos, pdfs, and so on.

Task is: Create a google doc and write about it , one page each section, and do not simply copy or task will be discarded!.

  • What's Github, their uses and history
  • A short manual for newbie users of github here at gci in how to use the platform.
  • How you propose to use our github ( to hold GCI 2019-2020 tasks. Structure and method.

Delivery: 3 pages pdf posted here and to the email

Task tags

  • github

Students who completed this task

Sahanj Jose, Qazi Omair Ahmed, Imflevi, Kewbish, mobiusdonut, asmrvin, Dyl, Merul Dhiman, Alvii_07, Aditya Krishnan, RoyalChirayu, ItsPKS, Janiru Semitha, biha@15

Task type

  • chrome_reader_mode Documentation / Training
  • assessment Outreach / Research