
Design a logo for UD Annotatrix

UD Annotatrix needs a better logo or set of logos. Have a look at the current logos and see them in use (here too). Design a potential replacement logo that meets the following requirements: somehow incorporates what UD Annotatrix is/is for, is not "cluttered" (like the current cat logo), and can be used at different sizes.

Note that part of good logo design is understanding what the logo is for. We strongly encourage you to try out UD Annotatrix and/or investigate what dependency syntax and associated graphs look like. Remember that UD Annotatrix is used in a professional and academic context, so the logo must be appropriate for that.

The logo needs to be submitted as a vector graphic (SVG). The final version, once approved by your mentor, should be submitted as a PR to this directory on git.

Please also include a mockup of your logo (i.e. a screenshot of UD Annotatrix using your logo).

Task tags

  • UD
  • design
  • svg

Students who completed this task


Task type

  • web Design