[easy] Open Event Server: Learn how to use python virtual enviroments and set up the project

A Virtual Environment (venv), put simply, is an isolated working copy of Python which allows you to work on a specific project without worry of affecting other projects. Using virutalenviroments is generally a great practice developers follow, when developing projects such as the Open Event Server project.


Your task is now to setup the virtual environment and to install the Open Event Server, which is the backend of the project, to fork and star the project repos to stay connected and to learn about the project communication channels. For this task please:


  1. Submit a screenshot of your terminal showing the Open Event Server is installed in your virtualenv.
    • Note: Ensure the activation of the virtualenv is clearly visible or we will not be able to accept the submission.
    • Important: Please make sure that your submission contains your username.
  2. Submit your Github username where the forked repositories are located.
  3. Provide a screenshot of the project Twitter account and Gitter chat.


Task tags

  • python
  • open event
  • venv
  • event
  • event management solution

Students who completed this task

TARUN49157, Kumuditha_S.A.C.K, Muhammad Wasif, ritz363

Task type

  • code Code
  • web Design