[easy] Linux: Get started with Linux, learn about Meilix and SUSI.AI Linux

FOSSASIA has two projects to build Linux distributions 1) the Meilix project and 2) the SUSI.AI Linux project. Linux is the system of choice for top developers. You want to become a software developer? Then you should start learning Linux! Development on Linux is much faster and more powerful, plus modern Linux distributions are very easy to use as well!


Please install a Linux system on your desktop. We suggest Debian but any other Linux distribution you like is fine. If you don't want to wipe out your current system you should install in dual boot mode! Then connect with FOSSASIA Linux projects fork them and star them to stay connected.


  • Once your new OS is ready, please make a full screenshot of the entire screen (DO NOT CROP IT, DO NOT RESIZE IT) in which a terminal window is open and shows your username. Also, include the result of the command df -h in your screenshot. Note: the username shown on the terminal should match your username here on the GCI system, alternatively you can write something like:
<pre><code>echo "Hi I am <your-GCI-username-here>"</code></pre>

Note: Please do not submit tasks on Rasbperry PI or windows subsystems. In case you do not have the permission to install Linux, we suggest you to try out Linux in a virtual machine.

  • Submit the GitHub links and screenshots where you forked the FOSSASIA Linux projects and starred them



Task tags

  • meilix
  • debian
  • linux

Students who completed this task

Parth Thakur, William Chang, theawesomeness, AlisaShi13, SarthakA9, divya tentu, anayroy, Nishith, Swaroop, Hasala, makoteq, Histesh Mungara, parzivox, andy.ipynb, Ameya Jadhav, kanavkoder, Greenscreener, Muhammad Wasif, void, Sid911, Metalchesshead, TARUN49157, Oleg, IM, Eric2011, Lohith Gaming, s_kk15, Noor Hasan Shaik, Manula Thejan, Kumuditha_S.A.C.K, sambasiva, Supun_TE, Vicious_Cupcake, Devansh3712, ShadowzLie

Task type

  • code Code
  • chrome_reader_mode Documentation / Training
  • web Design